Colin Kingsmill

Colin Kingsmill is the owner of Colin Kingsmill Coaching (, focused on individual one-on-one coaching, and the Co-Founder of Whole Human Coaching ( focused on leadership development and cultural cohesion within teams.

When individuals get stuck at critical transition points in their lives, he assists them in deconstructing the often self-limiting narratives in their heads that have been running on repeat and amplifying throughout life. He then helps his clients reconstruct a new narrative to move forward and thrive in their purpose at home and their business.

In all his work, he is on a personal mission to help people rediscover their humanity, live in integrity, become fearless and free from psychological suffering.

Colin is also co-host on the regular weekly podcast, "Getting to Unstuck," available wherever you find your podcasts.

You can find him at


Michael Broley is a full-stack web developer, content creator & sales professional. He builds awesome websites that are mobile friendly, comply with accessibility standards and focus on driving specific business goals!

Custom Cultured Events


Shore Cycle & Marine